The word schizophrenia is derived from the Greek words for to split (schidzein) and mind (phren). This splitting is related to fragmenting of the thought processes. OOOMS used this as inspiration to create a vase with a ribbed surface which creates two different shapes. The outside shape is based on a Greek Amphora vase. The inner shape is inspired by an brass Indian flower vase.
Description: Vase / EPS & Â Cork / Transparent coating
Dimensions: various
Design: OOOMS
34 Responses
Lo malo es el polvarÃn que se debe acumular entre disco y disco pero me parece un diseño muy original.
is this available for purchase?
How do I go about purchasing a white one? what is the cost?
I really love this design. How and where do I purchase this vase in white?
I am interested as well in knowing a price, size and order details for the white.
where I can fins this schize vase in Spain.
I want to by one of it.
thank you
Thank you for your comment. We have contacted you by email.
Me interesarÃa saber más detalles sobre este modelo, asà como la forma de adquisición y el precio.
Hi, I love the design very much! What is the price? Where and how is it possible to buy this vase in white?
Thank you in advance for your reply.
HI I would be interested in a dark colored one I am in California please let me know details for puchasing
Hi, I love your vases. Please contact me for purchasing reason. Thanks.
I’d like to purchase the white vase, how do I do this and how much will it cost?
Zijn de vazen nog verkrijgbaar en waar in het wit
wat zijn de afmetingen en de prijs ?
Kunnen ze verstuurt worden ?
Where can I buy the white vase?
Hi, I am interested to purchase, I am in Australia.
Hi Could you please email me regarding purchasing one of the above vases in white.
Good afternoon. I like this vase very much. I want to know some information about it. How much does it cost? How can I get it? I’m from Russia, Moscow?
About the white one
What material it made of ? MDF ?
Where can one get it in London?
Available sizes ?
Cost ?
It´s made of EPS.
I’m interested in this vase. Can you please se d me informazioni about dimensions of different types and prices ? Thanks a lot, Davide
Hi, i am interested to purchase the white schizo vase. I live in Hong Kong.
possible? price around (vase + shipping) ? Thanks for contacting me
is het weer mogelijk om de witte/zwarte vaas schizo te kopen?
Graag had ik hierover informatie gekregen,
alvast bedankt,
met vriendelijke groeten,
Ruxandra Merloi
Please let me know if the vase is available for purchase
Hello there, such awesome vases.
I’d be interested in purchasing your second smallest vase in black please? I live in the UK.
Thank you! At the moment the vases are not available but when they are, they will be visible in our shop:
Best regards,
The white vase is fantastic. Could you please tell me if and/or when it will be available for purchase? I am in Florida.
Dear Judy,
Thank you for the compliment! We will definitely let you know when they will be available again. At the moment I can’t tell you when that will be.
Please tell me when you’ll have these beautiful vases for sale. I would like 2 white. Thank you.
Hi there,
I am interested in buying the brown vase. The last one on the right.
Please provide all buying options and rates.
Thank you!
price pls
Hi there,
I am come from Taiwan(R.O.C) and interested in buying the white vase.
Can you provide all buying options and rates?? I will appreciate that.
Thank you~~~
Hello, I‘m front Germany and I would like to purchase 2 white ones. Can somebody please tell me the dimensions and weight.
Thanks a lot
Hi, I would like to know the price of this product
Hi Michele! Unfortunately this piece is not being produced anymore. We just make kitchen knives now.